The Village of New Paltz Landlord-Tenant Relations Council seeks two new volunteers to serve as alternates; one representing Tenant interests (a tenant renting within the Village) and another representing a Neutral party (a Village resident who is neither a landlord nor a tenant).

The purpose of the Landlord-Tenant Relations Council is to advise, counsel, mediate problems and disputes, and to improve relations between landlords and tenants in our community. The LTRC meets once a month; no special background or training is required for this citizen-led Council.

Additionally, new volunteers are always needed to serve on the Village’s various citizen-powered boards and commissions, including the Affordable Housing Board, the Shade Tree Commission, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Environmental Policy Board, and the Board of Ethics.

To get involved, please send a brief letter of interest to the Clerk’s Office: and/or

Volunteers Needed: Landlord-Tenant Relations Council
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