Snow is in the forecast. Please be mindful of the Village snow ordinance.
Click the link to read the code:
§ 175-11: Removal of snow and ice required.
From Mayor Tim Rogers on temporary parking options:
To help get vehicles off Village streets during snowstorms so our Department of Public Works (DPW) may safely clear roadways, free overnight parking is available before storms and for 24 hours after snow has stopped in the Huguenot Street municipal lot that leads to the Gardens for Nutrition and the Village sewer plant. The lot currently includes 29 spaces that are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Subsequently, the DPW will begin plowing the Huguenot Street lot 24 hours after the snow has stopped and any vehicles still in the lot at that time will risk being ticketed and towed.
Shoveling out one’s vehicle and making sure it is removed from the Huguenot Street lot before DPW plowing commences, regardless of a storm’s size, will be the sole responsibility of vehicle owners and not the Village DPW.
At any time, vehicles that block the thoroughfare on the left (west) side of the Huguenot Street lot heading towards the sewer plant risk being ticketed and towed immediately.
Village Snow Ordinance and Parking