The Plus One Home Program provides funds to assist Ulster County low-moderate income property owners with grants of up to $125,000 to construct or rehab code-compliant Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU).
After the success of Round 1 of the Plus One ADU Program, Ulster County and RUPCO received a $5 million dollar award for Round 2 of the program from the New York State Homes and Community Renewal to continue to implement the Plus One Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program. As part of Round 1, 14 households have been awarded to receive the available grant funding.
The Plus One ADU Program provides funding to create new code-compliant Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). Homeowners who meet the low and moderate-income threshold (i.e., earning 100% or less of Ulster County Area Media Income) can apply to receive up to $125,000 dollars for the construction or rehabilitation of an ADU. In exchange, the property owner will agree to rent the apartment at an affordable rate for a minimum of 10 years.
Applications for Round 2 of the program will open on September 17 and close on November 18. The program has a priority application window of October 14; applications submitted on or before October 14 that are “shovel-ready” projects (i.e., where the homeowner is prepared to submit or has submitted planning/building permits for the project) will be prioritized for funding. Applications can be found on the RUPCO website, here: Plus One ADU Program.
For additional details, please check out the workshop presentation from September 18, hosted by the Village of New Paltz with the Ulster County Planning Department.