Legal Notice
Village of New Paltz
Consent Order Compliance Sewer Remediation
Administrative Services – Request for Proposals

The Village of New Paltz is requesting proposals for Administrative Services for Office of Community Renewal funded Small Cities project #793PR104-18. Proposals will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., March 25, 2019 at the Office of the Village Clerk, New Paltz Village Hall, 25 Plattekill Avenue, New Paltz, NY 12561. Please mark on the outside of the envelope, “Response to Village of New Paltz Consent Order Compliance Sewer Remediation Administrative Services RFP”. Respondents are required submit one (1) original and six (6) copies of their proposal.

Project #793PR104-18 involves installing 1,195 lf of new 8 & 10 inch sewer mains, relining of 5,970 lf of 6 & 8 inch sewer mains, replacing 9 manholes, lateral re-connections, site
preparation, traffic control and road restoration. The estimated project budget of $784,550 includes engineering design, permitting, engineering construction administration, field construction inspection and administrative costs. Sewer replacement and relining will proceed during 2019 and 2020.

The Village is seeking an administrative services consultant to prepare the Environmental Review Record, prepare SEQRA compliance documents, establish and maintain project files, coordinate as necessary with the Village’s consulting engineer and Office of Community Renewal, assist with the bidding process, maintain labor standards records, ensure compliance with fair housing, Section 3 and equal opportunity requirements, prepare payment requests, prepare required labor, Section 3, contracting, Semi-Annual and Annual reports, ensure compliance with citizen participation requirements and prepare closeout documents. Copies of the Consolidated Funding Application, preliminary engineering report, cost estimate and project area maps are available for review at the Office of the Village Clerk, New Paltz Village Hall, 25 Plattekill Avenue, New Paltz, NY 12561, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Proposals will be evaluated based upon the following criteria and numerical point values:

-successful provision of administrative services to Small Cities funded projects 40 points
-comprehensive scope of services 30 points
-availability of services as per Program Schedule 15 points
-cost of services 15 points

Total 100 points

Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) and Section 3 Business Concerns are encouraged to respond.

Alberta Shaw, Village Clerk
Village of New Paltz

RFP requested for Project 793PR104-18 Sewer Remediation