Invitation to Bid
With the stated intent to create residential waste districts within their community, the Town and Village of New Paltz invite sealed Bidder’s Proposals for weekly refuse collection and disposal, and weekly collection of recyclables from all single-family and multi-family dwelling units with individualized refuse collection (dumpster services are not included within the scope of the proposed franchise agreement). Should a successful bid be received, the Town of New Paltz and the Village of New Paltz will each create one or more residential waste districts within their respective communities. The proposed scope of work is described in detail within this Request for Proposals. The Town and Village of New Paltz reserve the right to amend the RFP and reject any and all proposals. All correspondence, phone calls, and emails shall be directed to the New Paltz Village Clerk via e-mail only at
RFP can be found here: REQUEST_FOR_PROPOSALS_NP_MSW_Final
Bid Opening
The MUNICIPALITY will receive sealed Bidder’s Proposals for the Work until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26 at Village Hall, 25 Plattekill Avenue, at which time all Bidder’s Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Each sealed envelope or package containing a Bidder’s Proposal shall be identified as such and shall be marked with the title of the contract and the Bidder’s full legal name.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on Friday, April 21, at 10am via Zoom. Click here to join the meeting.