Department of Public Works
25 Plattekill Avenue
New Paltz, NY 12561
(845) 255-0130
(845) 255-3526 fax

Public Works Street Opening Application


Gene Bleu Terwilliger, Superintendent
Robert N. Coddington, Senior Foreman
Heather Nielson, Secretary

Water Treatment Plant (845) 255-2637
Sewer Treatment Plant (845) 255-5943

The primary responsibility of the Village of New Paltz Department of Public Works (DPW) is to maintain the safety, efficiency and overall quality of our community’s public infrastructure.

The duties of the DPW include but are not limited to street maintenance, line striping of Village owned parking lots and crosswalks within Village owned streets, snow plowing and sanding, street sweeping, water and sewer services, grounds keeping and a variety of other tasks. We take great pride in maintain our equipment to ensure many years of service.

The DPW has summer projects and temporary seasonal employment opportunities available for local youths. The DPW also work with a number of municipal committees and commissions, as well as community groups including the Shade Tree Commission, Environmental Conservation Commission, Community Improvement Team, Fire Department, Police Department, Town of New Paltz Highway Department and other surrounding municipalities.

We strive to meet the needs of the community quickly, efficiently and always with courtesy. We currently have nine employees and are on call for emergencies to guarantee timely and effective solutions as problems arise in the Village of New Paltz.

The DPW is involved in many community events which include, but not limited to:

  • Clean Sweep
  • Helping Hands Day
  • Regatta
  • 4th of July celebration
  • Bonfire in Hasbrouck Park


The DPW installs and takes down the American Flags, winter décor and waters the flower baskets that line Main Street.

We supply traffic control and barricades for numerous community events and parades

Village Parks- the DPW’s range of duties is the general maintenance and inspection of public parks in the Village. It is our responsibility to keep our communities parks as clean and as enjoyable as possible, with scheduled cleanups every Monday and Friday.

Water/ Sewer- Please call the DPW at (845) 255-0130 between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday for problems with your water and sewer.

Water Conservation- leaky toilets, faucets and pipes cause needless waste of water and if not addressed can end up costing residents in several ways. Wasted water adds up on water/ sewer bills. Please help us eliminate waste and avoid extra pumping costs by regularly checking for leaks. If a leak is suspected in your home, there will be an indication on your quarterly water/sewer bill.

Annually scheduled services-

Leaf Pick Up– each fall the DPW will schedule a leaf pickup. The DPW will collect either loose or bagged leaves during this time. We will also collect bagged leaves or yard waste throughout the year, we ask that residents call to inform us of location and we will get out and collect them.

Spring Clean Up– each spring, the DPW offers a comprehensive program to help residents dispose of various forms of waste in a safe, ecologically friendly manner. Yard waste, such as brush, wood, in biodegradable bags (which can be purchased at the Village Hall) will be collected along with small appliances, mattresses, a limited number of tires, batteries and other assorted items.

Hydrant flushing– as part of water service maintenance, we aim to flush hydrants twice a year.

 A community reminder of snowfall conditions- The parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on all streets within the Village and on all parking lots owned, leased or maintained by the Village during any snowfall from the time accumulation of snow reaches a level of two inches until the street or parking lot has been fully plowed by the DPW.