
The Village of New Paltz Board of Trustees meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM, at Village Hall, in the first floor meeting room. Click this link to join the meeting via Zoom.

Workshop Meetings will be held the 1st, 3rd or 5th Wednesday of a month as needed.

Functions & Responsibilities

The Clerk’s Office prepares the agenda in conjunction with the Mayor and the Trustees. If there is an issue you wish to have addressed at the Village Board of Trustees meeting, please put your concern in writing and submit to the Village Clerk. You may contact the Clerk at, the Assistant to the Village Board at, and the full Village Board of Trustees at

A Public Comment period is always available at the beginning of the meeting for individuals to raise concerns to the Board.
There are 3 ways you can submit public comments –
1. You can watch the meeting live streamed on youtube and submit comments through the chat function that is monitored throughout the meeting
2. You can submit comments in writing prior to the meeting
3. You can request to participate in the zoom video conference and join the meeting to speak during the public hearing or comment period

Rules of Procedure for the Board of Trustees (Passed July 2019)

Current Members

  • Tim Rogers, Mayor, Mayor
  • Alexandria Wojcik, Deputy Mayor
  • William “Bill” Wheeler-Murray, Village Trustee
  • Stana Weisburd, Village Trustee
  • Stevie Susta, Village Trustee

Agendas, Minutes & Resolutions
