
Second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. All meetings are currently being held remotely.

Functions & Responsibilities

The goals of the Climate Smart Communities program are to 1) Reduce greenhouse gas emission; 2) Prepare for the impact of climate change; 3) Save taxpayer money by

    • Building a climate-smart community.
    • Inventorying emissions, set goals, and plan for climate action.
    • Decreasing energy use.
    • Shifting to clean, renewable energy.
    • Using climate-smart materials management.
    • Implementing climate-smart land use.
    • Enhancing community resilience to climate change.
    • Supporting a green innovation economy.
    • Informing and inspiring the public.
    • Engaging in an evolving process of climate action.

Current Members

Amanda Gotto
Climate Smart Project Manager
Dr. Yvonne Posey

Climate Smart Coordinator

Mark Varian
Orelle Feher
Joseph Londa
Jim O’Dowd
Lynne Cherry
Member at Large
Megan Wolff
Member at Large
Liz Elkin
Member at Large
Alexandria Wojcik
Village Liaison
Julie Seyfert-Lillis
Town Liaison

Send general comments or inquiries to

Agendas & Minutes

Resources & Reports

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Project