The agenda for the January 9th joint meeting of the Village and Town Boards can be found here!
11/14/2018 Village/Town Joint Meeting Agenda
The agenda for the November 14th joint meeting of the Village & Town Boards can be found here!
Agenda for the 9/12/18 Joint Village/Town Board Meeting now available!
The agenda for the Joint Village/Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 12th, is now available here.
Agenda for the 7/11/18 Joint Village/Town Board Meeting now available!
The agenda for the Joint Village/Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 11th, is now available here.
August Joint Meeting is Canceled
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village & Town Joint meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 9th is CANCELED. The Village Board of Trustees will hold its regular meeting as scheduled. The next Joint meeting is anticipated to take place Thursday, September
Community Input Needed: Downtown Revitalization Initiative
The Village of New Paltz Office of the Mayor cordially requests your input regarding the community’s vision for the revitalization of downtown New Paltz. What makes our downtown the heart of where we live, work, and play? What can New
Refugees are so welcome here!
On January 19th 2017, the Village of New Paltz Board of Trustees and the Town of New Paltz Council unanimously adopted a joint resolution declaring their support for the resettlement of refugees no matter their religion, race, nationality, or country