Building Permits
Building permits are issued to fulfill legal mandates, to protect the health and safety of the general public and to ensure compliance with construction drawings, specifications, and adopted building and fire codes.
In the Village of New Paltz, both State and Local Codes require that no person, firm or organization shall commence the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, improvement, demolition, conversion or change in the nature of the occupancy of any building or structure, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit from the Building Inspector for each such building or structure.
Examples of work requiring a building permit includes the repair, installation of any mechanical equipment or systems such as plumbing, heating, electrical, fire suppression or detection systems. Also, features such as swimming pools, sheds, signs, or accessory apartments require permits.
No Building permit is required for the performance of ordinary repairs which are not structural in nature. Examples of items which do not need a permit include replacing broken window glass, repairing frozen water pipes, changing electrical fuses and the replacement of a broken or missing electrical receptacles. When in doubt about the need for a permit, please contact the Building Department.
For more information relating to building permits including fees, stamped plans and specifications, length of time to obtain a building permit, approval from other agencies or departments prior to the issuance of building permits and penalties for noncompliance, please contact the Building Department.
- Application for Building Permit
- Zoning Determination
- Floodplain Development Permit Application
- Approved Electrical Inspectors
- Public Works Street Opening Application
Fire Safety Inspection Information
- Carbon Monoxide Information Sheet – Commercial Buildings
- Carbon Monoxide Information Sheet – Residential Buildings
- Certified Fire Extinguisher Service Companies
- College Housing Fire Safety Information Sheet
- Kitchen Hood Cleaning Requirements – Information Sheet
- Pre-Fire Inspection Preparation Checklist
Commercial Fire Inspection Forms and Applications
Sign Permits
The Building Department regulates the use of signs to protect and enhance the unique visual qualities of New Paltz by aiming to conform to the guidelines and intent of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the Village. We seek to encourage the installation of appropriate signs that harmonize with the buildings, neighborhood and other signs in the area and to eliminate excessive and unsightly competition for visual attention through signs. Ultimately it is our goal to create a more attractive economic and business climate in the Village of New Paltz, to protect property values and to maintain a standard of quality of all signs.
The Village Code provides that no sign or other advertising device shall be erected, constructed, displayed, moved reconstructed, extended, enlarged or altered within the Village of New Paltz, without first obtaining a sign permit from the Building Department.
For more information relating to sign permits and regulations including signs that are exempt from the permitting process and prohibited signs, please contact the Building Department.
Business Change of Occupant
A Business Change of Occupant registration allows new owners or tenants to continue using a property in the same fashion as the previous owners or tenants had used it after the Building Inspector has completed an inspection of the property.
For more information, please contact the Building Department.
Building Permit, Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy Fees
Please note that the Village Code is updated frequently. Please contact the Building Department for more information relating to Building Department fees.
Building Complaints
If you are aware of a building, property, or public right of way that is not up to code, please fill out the Building Complaint Form and return it to the Building Inspector.
Tenants’ Rights
For information regarding tenants’ rights in New York State, contact the Building Department or visit the Office of the Attorney General’s website.
Zoning District in the Village of New Paltz
For more information relating to the Village of New Paltz zoning districts, please contact the Building Department at (845) 255-3055.
Planning and Zoning
Site Plan and Subdivision Application
The Site Plan application is used primarily for development plans other than single or two family residences as well as changes to existing commercial properties. Possible changes to the footprint of a building, changes affecting drainage, filling and grading, and changes of use are also subject to site plan review. For more information please see Section 212-23 of the Village Code,
Any resident or developer looking to divide a parcel of land into subsections must fill out an Application for Subdivision Plat Review and Approval.
The Village of New Paltz has contracted with Municollab to standardize the application and review process.
The Planning Board application link is below. A Zoning Determination is required to begin the process.
- Zoning Determination
- Site Plan – Special Use Permit – Subdivision Application
- Zoning Map
- Fee Schedule
Zoning Board of Appeals Application for Variance and Supporting Forms
If a property owner wishes for a zoning variance from the Village Code, they must present an application for a variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals.