The Village of New Paltz Building Department verifies the safe and lawful use of over 1200 properties by enforcing various laws of The Village of New Paltz, including its Zoning Law, and by enforcing New York State’s Uniform Building Codes. We do this in accordance with other regulations imposed onto the Village of New Paltz by the County, State, and Federal government. Our main activities include reviewing plans for code compliance, issuing various permits, and inspecting structures and properties. We also investigate complaints about properties and we prosecute un-remediated violations in court. Voluntary compliance is appreciated.

 Building Department Staff:

  • Mike Baden, Director of Planning, Zoning & Code Enforcement
  • Alex Salanitri, Municipal Code Officer
  • Patrick Koch, Fire Inspector
  • Matt Koop, Municipal Code Officer Assistant

Telephone: (845) 255-0130

Find Building, Planning and Zoning Forms and Applications here