Village Sidewalk Project (PIN 8761.22)

This ~1,350 LF by 4’ wide sidewalk project will meet NYSDOT/Federal Highway Administration specifications.

  • Prospect Street: 380 LF between Slate St and HWDuBois (westside)
  • Church Street: 500 LF north of Briarwood Ct to HWDuBois (eastside) & between HWDuBois and Mulberry (westside)
  • Huguenot Street: 470 LF of bluestone south of the monument past the burial ground (eastside)

Bid documents are now publicly available and the bid opening will take place on September 9, 2024 at 1:00 pm at Village Hall.

*If bidding, please include an optional cost for a granite curb for Huguenot Street only.

Also available on the NYS Contract Reporter.

Click here for Contract Documents

Click here for Plans

Bids for Village Sidewalk Project Now Being Accepted