The AHB meets quarterly, on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM. Special meetings will be called as needed.
Due to the personal nature of the applications parts of the meeting are done in Executive Session so it is NOT live streamed, to contact the Housing Board please email them
Functions & Responsibilities
- To protect the public welfare of the community by promoting the identification, construction, and continued availability of, and fair opportunity of access to affordable housing within the Village of New Paltz, in accordance with Chapter 132 of the Village Code.
- Accept and review applications submitted for affordable housing (AH) units. A receipt and reference number shall be issued to the applicant by the Housing Board no later than three business days after receipt of a completed application is confirmed at a meeting of the Housing Board.
- Maintain an eligibility priority list as well as certification of applications placed on the list according to the provisions of Chapter 132.
- Review the Eligibility priority list annually.
- Certify and re-certify as eligible all applicants for rental or sales of AH units annually to comply with the criteria established in Chapter 132.
- Provide an annual report to the Village Board, documenting current housing needs indicating:
- (a) The number of applicants on the eligibility priority list;
- (b) The affordable housing stock within the Village as of the time of the report;
- (c) The number of AH units currently filled by purchase or rental and the number of vacancies.
- Take any other action and promulgate rules to effectuate the purpose of Chapter 132, subject to the approval of the Village Board, and to make recommendations to the Village Board as to policies or local laws which in its view would advance the purposes of this Chapter.
Current Members
- Terry Dolan, Chair (Term expires December 2027)
- John Giralico (Term expires December 2026)
- Adele Ruger (Term expires May 2025)
- Dylan Moscoso (Term expires December 2027)
- Stevie Susta, Village Board Liaison
Send general comments or inquiries to
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Agendas, Minutes & Reports
Eligibility Application:
Affordable Housing Eligibility Application Packet
Federal Links:
The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
The State of the Nation’s Housing 2015
The Joint Center for Housing Studies was originally formed in 1959 takes up the challenge of addressing intellectual and policy issues confronting a nation experiencing widespread demographic, economic and social changes, with dramatic and far-reaching effects on cities in particular. Its analysis of U.S. housing policy reflects the national debate over the government’s responsibility to ensure a decent home and suitable living environment for all its citizens.
National Low Income Housing Coalition
The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to achieving socially just public policy that assures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes.
New York State Links:
New York Housing Search
Homes & Community Renewal: Finding Affordable Housing
United Way’s Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Report for New York State (2016) (In the ALICE Report for NYS, please find information for Ulster County on page 6 and New Paltz on page 271)
Ulster County Links:
Three-County Housing Needs Assessment
This housing needs assessment study was initiated in the summer of 2007 and was completed over the course of one and a half years. The study provides baseline data and projections for housing need in Ulster County and in the New Paltz community.
Ulster County Rental Housing Survey (2014)
This report presents fundamental information about the rental housing market in Ulster County. The survey develops information on supply, cost and affordability of housing rentals. Three categories of housing units include; Non-Subsidized Housing; Advertised Rental Housing, and; Subsidized Housing.
Housing & Community Development Links:
The NYS Rural Housing Coalition, Inc.
The NYS Rural Housing Coalition, Inc. is a network of rural housing professionals who work toward a common goal: to design, develop, finance, build and manage affordable housing to meet the diverse needs of rural New Yorkers Members share their knowledge and expertise to attain this goal.
New York State Association for Affordable Housing
Formed in 1998, the New York State Association for Affordable Housing (NYSAFAH) is the trade association for New York’s affordable housing industry statewide. NYSAFAH advocates for policies, legislation and appropriations at the local, state and federal level that promote affordable housing.
NYS Homes & Community Renewal
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) consists of all the State’s major housing and community renewal agencies, including The Affordable Housing Corporation, The Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Housing Finance Agency, State of New York Mortgage Agency, Housing Trust Fund Corporation and others.
NeighborWorks America®
Headquartered in Washington, DC, NeighborWorks America is one of the country’s preeminent leaders in affordable housing and community development. We work to create opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in safe, sustainable communities that are healthy places for families to grow.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)/ Rural LISC
In 1995, LISC launched Rural LISC to expand its reach beyond urban areas to include rural communities.
United States Housing & Urban Development(HUD)
HUD sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, and credit issues. RUPCO is a certified HUD Counseling Agency.
Fair Housing – NYS Attorney General(HUD)
Federal and New York State laws exist to ensure that equal housing opportunities are available for all New Yorkers.
NYS Division of Human Rights – Fair Housing Guide
This pamphlet describes your fair housing rights under the Executive Law. It describes who is protected by the law, who must follow the law, what actions are prohibited, and what to do if your rights have been violated. It is important to remember that there are also federal and local laws prohibiting discrimination.
Social Services Information & Service Providers Links:
New York State Department of Financial Services
NYS Information about Tenant Rights, Consumer Protection, Insurance, Banking, Financial services, Avoiding foreclosure.
Ulster County Department of Social Services
The mission of the Department of Social Services (DSS) is to adequately and efficiently assess, plan for and provide appropriate services to families and individuals in need.
Headquartered in Kingston, RUPCO is the region’s leading provider of and advocate for quality, affordable housing and community development programs aimed to provide opportunity and revitalize communities.
Family of Woodstock/Family of New Paltz
Family of Woodstock Inc. is a network of individuals, paid and volunteer, whose mission is to provide confidential and fully accessible crisis intervention, information, prevention, and support services to address the needs of individuals and families.
Foreclosure Prevention Programs & Assistance Links:
Making Home Affordable Program
An official program of the Departments of the Treasury & Housing and Urban Development, MHA ® offers a variety of programs that may help homeowners having difficulty making mortgage payments. MHA programs have helped more than a million homeowners.
Freddie Mac Look Up
To understand the options available for getting help with your mortgage – including the Administration’s Home Affordable Refinance Program® (HARP) and the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP®) – it is important for you to know who owns your loan.
Fannie Mae Look Up
This tool helps you quickly determine if Fannie Mae owns your loan. If Fannie Mae does, you may be eligible for programs designed to make your mortgage more affordable—like the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) or the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)—or for other programs available exclusively to Fannie Mae borrowers.
NeighborWorks America® Loan Scam Alert
NeighborWorks America® launched a national public education campaign to empower homeowners to protect themselves against loan modification scams, find trusted help and report illegal activity to authorities.
HOPE NOW Alliance
A national call center with foreclosure prevention counselors, HOPE NOW has been offering assistance to homeowners since 2007 and 7.1 million have received loan modifications from our mortgage servicing members.
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
The mission of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley is to provide free, high-quality counsel in civil matters for poor and low-income individuals and families who to all seven counties of the lower Hudson Valley (Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, Orange, Ulster and Sullivan).