The Village of New Paltz Office of the Mayor cordially requests your input regarding the community’s vision for the revitalization of downtown New Paltz. What makes our downtown the heart of where we live, work, and play? What can New Paltz do to better support this community vision?

Comments will be considered as the Village works with Historic Huguenot Street, SUNY, and the Town among other community partners to submit an application to Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), a competitive grant opportunity which will award 10 different communities $10 million each to develop downtown strategic investment plans and to implement key catalytic projects that advance the community’s vision for revitalization. New Paltz will be competing with other Mid-Hudson communities to demonstrate our downtown’s great potential for transformation in order to earn the local Regional Economic Development Council’s nomination. More information regarding the DRI can be found here:  

Anyone who wishes to provide feedback — including wish-lists for future downtown projects — is encouraged to email comments to with “Heart of New Paltz” in the subject. You may also submit written comments to the Clerk’s Office at 25 Plattekill Ave.

The application is due June 14th, 2017 so community members are encouraged to submit comments prior to that deadline. However, the DRI is an annual undertaking so input on the topic is encouraged year-round.


Community Input Needed: Downtown Revitalization Initiative
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