We’re teaming up with the Chosen Family Law Center to offer a name-change clinic on Thursday February 27 at 7:00 pm at Village Hall (25 Plattekill Ave, New Paltz). Update the name and gender marker on your IDs to reflect who you really are!

Chosen Family Law Center will walk you through the name change filing process at this free pro se clinic. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Please arrive no later than 6:50 pm.

Please fill out this online form in order to register, so we know how many materials to prepare: https://forms.gle/f4H4T6J1bc15NJMu9

Email awojcik@villageofnewpaltz.org if you have any questions.

Chosen Family Law Center is a nonprofit organization that provides free legal services for low-income LGBTQIA+ families, asylees, & trans communities in New York, and national legislative advocacy & public education for LGBTQIA+, polyamorous, and non-nuclear families! Visit chosenfamilylawcenter.org to learn more and see how they can help you protect yourself and your family!

Name Change Clinic on February 27!